Night Owls Better at the GMAT?
I came across an article a couple weeks ago citing data that purportedly shows the GMAT scores of MBA students to be “much higher in both men and women that went to bed later and arose later.” The author suggests the findings are in line with a long-established link between bedtime and intelligence. Specifically, Study […]
Eliminate Pronoun Ambiguity with this Easy Fix
Pronouns are among the most commonly-tested points of English grammar you’ll see on GMAT sentence correction questions. In fact, I tell my students that any time they see a pronoun in the underlined portion of the sentence, they should immediately stop and ask themselves the following questions: Does the pronoun agree in number (singular or […]
Avoid this Common GMAT Argument Fallacy
I was driving down the street the other day and passed a Sara Lee truck with delicious-looking pictures of pastries on the back and the following motto emblazoned in big, bold letters on the side: “Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee.” My first thought was, yep, that sounds about right. I mean, who doesn’t love Sara […]
Trick for Identifying Conclusions
GMAT Critical Reasoning Tip: Identifying Conclusions The methodology for answering GMAT critical reasoning questions sounds pretty simple and straightforward on the surface. You read the question first to make sure you know what you’re supposed to zero in on, and then you read the argument prompt reductively to identify the parts of the argument, starting […]
GMAT Diction Review for Sentence Corrections
Learn the Most Misused Words on the GMAT I was reading an article recently about Harvard linguist Steven Pinker’s new book, The Sense of Style, which aims to help readers improve their use of the English language. I was intrigued, naturally, to find applications for GMAT Sentence Correction where proper diction is one of the […]
[Free Webinar] Learn to Dominate GMAT Critical Reasoning
Free GMAT Critical Reasoning Webinar 10/15/15 I have some good news for you. Check that. I have some great news for you! If you’ve watched any of my free GMAT video lesson on YouTube or browsed around this website even a little bit, you know I’m a big fan of one of the industry’s leading […]
The Top 4 Reasons People Fail on the GMAT
I hear it all the time from my prospective students: Brett, they say, I’ve been studying for the GMAT for a while now and I feel stuck. I just can’t seem to break through and get the score I need. I know I’m not stupid, but I just can’t quite figure this thing out. Can […]
A Cool Trick for Mastering Parallelism Questions on GMAT SC Questions
Mentally Use the Colon to Clarify Parallel Construction One of the six major points of English grammar tested on GMAT sentence correction questions is parallelism, otherwise known as parallel construction. (For detailed teaching on all six grammar categories, see our “Sentence Correction – Part 2” lesson). The idea is simple: When two or more things […]
Tricks to Improve Your GMAT Score
2-Part Webinar Series: Verbal & Math Strategy is one of the major differentiators between those who score well on the GMAT and those who don’t. It’s one thing to know how to solve problems; it’s another thing to be able to solve the most difficult questions accurately and efficiently so that you get more right answers […]
The Hardest GMAT Problems of 2014
Ready to Crack 700? Test Yourself Against These Challenging GMAT Questions Some of my students come to me just needing an above-average GMAT score to be accepted to their target business schools. But many of them are shooting for the upper 600’s — or even to crack 700! — to have the best chance of […]